2024 User Task Force Meeting Schedule

digitalsubstationsAn updated schedule is below for 2024 meetings here at digitalsubstations.com.

Posts will be provided for each meeting as we get closer to each event and an email reminder will be sent to all end users.


Month Date Time Topic Title Host
Feb 22nd 9-10:00 CST vPAC Alliance vPAC Alliance on Virtualized Protection, Automation & Control Applications Prithpal Khajuria
Mar 22nd 11-12:00 CST vPAC systems Centralized Protection with demonstrations using Tesco’s vPAC systems Darren De Ronde
Apr 25th 8-9:00 CST TC 57 Working groups IEC TC57 AG22 – Prepare for the future Jean Raymond
Jul 25th 9:00 CST vPAC systems Hands-On Demonstration of vPAC/HIL Testing of Digital Substations Eric Xu & Darren De Ronde
Written by DS Admin
General administration and updates for DigitalSubstations.com

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