User Task Force Team Members

The Digital Substations User Task Force is made up of a diverse group of power industry experts from all around the world. Below we feature our core team members.

See also a full list of our End Users as well as a global map showing their locations.

AllUTF AdministrationUTF Chairs
Dustin Tessier

Dustin Tessier

Volker Leitloff
Europe Co-Chair

Volker Leitloff

Curtis Ruff
Canada Co-Chair

Curtis Ruff

Tuan Vu
Australia/New Zealand Co-Chair

Tuan Vu

Chan Wong
USA Co-Chair

Chan Wong

USA Co-Chair

Zeus Xioco


Dustin Tessier

Dustin Tessier is the Managing Director for Tesco Group of companies, which is a turn-key substation provider that specializes in the engineering, construction and commissioning of protection, control and automation systems within the power system sector; with a focus on IEC 61850 based systems.

Dustin was an early advocate for IEC 61850 during his days with a Canadian Utility, and eventually migrated to Siemens where he was involved in Australia’s first IEC 61850 substation applications. Dustin has since moved back to Canada to assist in his family-based company, and has been involved with IEC 61850 on a global perspective since, including leadership roles and participation in the following standards activities:

  • • The Canadian Chair of the IEC Technical Committee 57
  • • Canadian Chair of the IEC Smart Energy Systems Committee
  • • Founder of the
  • • Founder of IEC 61850 Process Bus User Task Force
  • • Technical expert within the IEC 61850 Working Group
  • • Task Force Leader for the IEC 61850 HMI Task Force and recipient of the Canadian Innovative Initiative Pilot Project
  • • Technical expert within Technical Committee 38, Working Group 37
  • • A member of the UCA International IEC 61850 Testing Committee
  • • Awarded 2015 Canadian IEC Young Professional of the Year
Europe Co-Chair

Volker Leitloff

Volker Leitloff (1965), studied Electrical Engineering at the university of Stuttgart/Germany from where he earned the Dipl-Ing. degree in 1991. From 1991 to 1994 he has been preparing his PhD-thesis at the Laboratoire d’Electrotechnique de Grenoble and received the Dr. INPG degree from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG) in 1994. From 1994 to 2002, he was with the R&D Division of Electricité de France were he worked successively on network protection and on transformers and network technology. Since 2003, he is with the French Transmission Network Operator Rte where he works on protection of transmission networks and substation control. He is chair of IEC TC38 and CENELEC TC38 (Instrument Transformers), convenor of IEC TC95 WG2 Digital I/O of protection IED, past convenor of CIGRE WG B5.06 on DSAS Maintenance and actual or past member of IEC TC38WG37, TC38WG47, TC95MT4 and CIGRE WG 34.10, B5.10, B5.13, B5.43, B5.53, B5.64, B5.69 and the TAG and SAG of CIGRE SC B5.


Canada Co-Chair

Curtis Ruff

Curtis Ruff graduated from the University of Alberta in 2009 with a B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Co-op). In 2010, Curtis started utilizing IEC61850 for alarm purposes as an engineering contractor supporting EPCOR Distribution and Transmission Inc. (EDTI). In 2012, Curtis joined EPCOR’s Transmission group taking on the role of Substations P&C Engineer where he began to implement IEC61850 GOOSE applications. In 2016, Curtis implemented an IEC61850-9-2LE process bus solution for a brown field application of breaker fail, synchronism check, and trip coil monitoring. Since 2019, Curtis has taken on the role of the Substations P&C Engineering Manager for EDTI.


Australia/New Zealand Co-Chair

Tuan Vu

A highly experienced Professional Electrical Engineer with over 22 years in the Electricity Supply Industry.

Volt-VAr Optimisation (VVO), Volt-VAr & Volt-Watt Control, Advanced VVO, Integrated Control of STATCOM, Solar, Battery, Feeder and Substation Automation, Conservation Voltage Reduction (Peak Demand Management, Loss Reduction), Power Factor Correction, Voltage Regulation , Capbank, Reactor and On Load Tap Changer Control, Line Drop Compensation, Q-Optimisation.

Voltage and Reactive Power Control SVC & STATCOM – Specifications, Tender Evaluation, System Integration, Automation Design, Design Review and Verification, Commissioning and Training.

Digital Asset Strategies – Optimal Asset Reinvestment Model, Maintenance, Health Indices, Utilisation, Performance, Cost, Reliability, Availability & Risk Modelling.


USA Co-Chair

Chan Wong

Chan works as the Entergy Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) lab at New Orleans. Prior to AMI, he was a transmission system leader at Entergy and an industry-recognized power system influencer focusing on Digital Substation Automation and Interoperability. He has more than 10 years of experience in system integration, emerging technology transformation, and technical & innovation management.

He is a senior IEEE member/volunteer and is very passionate about leadership and big-picture thinking where he constantly challenges himself to step out his comfort zone while focusing on continuous improvement on career development and work-life balance lifestyle.

Chan Earned his Ph.D. in Automotive Engineering from Clemson University, M.S,and B.S in Electrical Engineering in Tulane University. Currently, he is pursuing his MBA (2020) at Tulane Freeman Business School.


USA Co-Chair

Zeus Xioco

